Anytime after 4:00 PM.

Check-Out is 11:00 AM No late Check-Outs. 

There is no check-in at the office, use the directions you recieved by email 14 days before your stay and go to your retreat.  

Directions will be given 14 days before your stay by email. Each retreat has a different address. 

 No, pets allowed on properties or in retreats. No exceptions. 

No smoking in the retreats. If you smoke outside please pick up all cigarette butts.  

Bring beach towels for the hot tub. Personal items like shampoo, soap, tooth paste, toilet paper, paper towels, and fire wood for the fire pit.

Bring food items like coffee, coffee filters, bread, and anything to eat, etc.

 We supply the plates, silverware and bedding. We also supply 1 towel per person per day for showers/baths. 

Flip the lid back or slide off the lid than push the jet button to turn on the jets. The jets stay on for 15 minutes than turn off.

This is the recommended time useage for being in the hot tub. Make sure when done using the hot tub to put the lid back on.

Hocking Hills Backwoods Retreat and employees are not responisible for any misuse of the hot tub.

Anyone under 18 years old are not permitted to use the hot tub.

Only guest on the reservation are allowed on premises. NO vistors.

Make sure that the retreat is clean, no trash or messes. Lock all doors to the outside and lock all windows. Put the key back into the lockbox.

If you changed the setting of AC or Heating , Hot Tub or any other setting please set them back to what they were when you came.

Do not turn off the hot tub. Make sure that you leave the premises by 11:00 AM.